Employee Updates

Department of Finance Operational Status

The County of Sacramento’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is active due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. At the current time, the Department of Finance is continuing its operations and staff are scheduled to report to work either on-site or remotely.

COVID-19 Return to Work Plans:

Coronavirus Resources for Employees


Employee Information Phone Number:  (916) 874-4444 

The Divisional messages will be updated daily by 8:00 a.m when EOC is activated. The above phone number is not capable of receiving voicemails. If an employee is not available to work, they should contact their immediate supervisor directly.

All County employees are designated by law as Disaster Service Workers ("DSW"). When the County declares a County-wide emergency, County employees may be called upon to serve as DSWs.


Time-Sheet Guidance:

All staff and supervisors, please follow the below deadlines and coding:


**Remember** to enter Holiday Pay (Z150 – Paid Holiday) for Wednesday, June 19, 2024, for the Juneteenth holiday.

Every pay period payroll needs to be reviewed, including absence requests. All staff and supervisors should follow the below deadlines and coding:​

All Staff enter/release time byTuesday, 06/25/2024 by 9:00 a.m.
Supervisors approve time byTuesday, 06/25/2024 by 12:00 p.m.
Submit absence requestsTuesday, 06/25/2024 by 12:00 p.m.
Time correctionsTuesday, 06/25/2024  by 12:00 p.m. (will reflect on the 07/05/24 paycheck)

Time entry and releases are due Tuesday 06/25/2024 by 9​:00 a.m. Continue to send absence requests, timesheet corrections, and temp timesheets to finance-timesheets@saccounty.gov. B​e sure to indicate the pay period on the top right corner of the form, and to submit only the current pay period's request. Keep in mind that pay period 14 time submission will cover 06/16/2024 to 06/29/2024.

Accessing​ Time-Sheet Remotely (Instructions):​

You must opt-in from your County PC before being able to access your timesheet from home. If you have trouble accessing your timesheet, please contact your supervisor for further assistance. ​​​

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                                                                                                          Covid-19 Supply St​atus




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